I started a new job a few weeks ago, and so far it is going okay. I have a whole new cast of characters is my life, so there is no more crazy Janet, but now there is singing Alexis. I'm beginning to think that Janet wasn't so bad.
Alexis started on the same day that I did. She is working as the receptionist/administrative assistant. At the moment, she sits at the front desk two days a week, but we share a cubicle for a couple of days a week while I wait for a pregnant girl to have her baby and give me her office. I'm not above sharing a cubicle, but I'm not sure that Alexis has been taught the basics of office etiquette.
I am an adult and I am a professional. I prefer for people to call me by my name, which is Nicole. I don't really mind nicknames, and I have had many. If you want to call me Nickelodeon, Nicodemus, Nick at Night, Aunt Cole, Coley, Miss Ostler, or (only every once in awhile) Nicki, I will answer. For some reason, Alexis thinks it is okay to call me, and every woman in the office, hun, as in short for honey. Really? Do we work in a nail salon and have bleached blond hair? No, I don't tease my hair, wear blue eyeshadow, or own pink pants. I think it is completely unprofessional and it makes me crazy!
Music is fine, and Alexis doesn't have bad taste in music. The only problem is that Alexis feels that she needs to hum or sing along. It usually starts out kind of quiet with occasional humming, but by the end of the day she sings entire choruses of songs. I just think it is annoying. I am trying to work in a very small area, and she decides to sing aloud. This isn't your car Alexis, there are other people trying to work. I don't care if you are Pavarotti, please don't sing in the office, hun.