Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Going Postal

A couple of weeks ago, I was meeting with my boss about my yearly goals.  One of my goals is to increase my network of female professionals to potentially drive referral clients.  I admit that I am not that thrilled about this goal, and when I completed my outline of goals, this one only begrudgingly made the list.  It was actually a "suggested" goal from my boss that I typed up based on his hand written notes.  When I was typing it, I must not have been paying too much attention because for some reason, female was spelled femail.  I didn't notice until my boss circled it and started laughing hysterically.  Yes, hysteria, over femail vs. female.  Maybe I was trying to increase my network of female mail carriers, and I was abbreviating with femail.  Just wait until I am the "go to" tax girl for all mail women.  Who will be laughing then?    

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