Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Web of lies

I have this friend, and for the sake of anonymity, we will call him Bruce. Bruce and I have been talking about going to a cycling class at the gym together. It really hasn't worked out, and we have never been able to go. Last night, we kind of talked about going to the 9:00 class, and I told him that I thought I might be able to make it. Basically, I didn't say no, but I knew in my head that I probably wouldn't go.
Today, I sent Bruce the following text: "Cycling was great. Where were you?". Harmless, right? Well, Bruce sent me a text saying he was late for the class so he ended up going to cardio cinema at another gym. He said he felt bad that we didn't meet up. I said that it was okay, and maybe we could go on another day.
So far this is not a huge deal, other than I made someone feel bad for no reason, and I sent a follow up text saying how great the class was, and that he really missed out, therefore continuing and expanding the original lie. Bruce is going to the cycling class tonight, and asked if I wanted to go. I honestly can't go because I am playing tennis, but when I said this to him, I told him I was playing tennis at 8. Well cycling is from 6 to 7, so if I was playing tennis at 8, I could make it to the 6 o'clock cycling class. I had to text Bruce back and say that I was actually playing tennis at 6, which is true, but now it sounds like a lie to get me out of going to cycling.
I have started down this path of lies, and now my lies sound like truth and my truth sounds like a lie. I need to stop this before it gets out of hand! But, have you ever seen a really intricate spider web? Sometimes they are really cool, and maybe if I lie about enough stuff my web of lies could be really cool too.


jenny said...

Great blog. I know you're talking about generic "Bruce" and not the Bruce we all know and love, but you know what??... Bruce deserves it. I've met him like 12 times and he still forgets my name. Jerk alert!

If Bruce is reading this, I am totally kidding. I think you're great.

IzeOfLight said...

We heart Bruce. And I LOVE this blog!